Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Basketball Fun....

Last night I had a basketball game. It was awesome! I believe the score was around 82 to 8. We had so much fun learning and playing together while being able to stay relaxed because of the score. I got to play a lot and I made two points, one under the basket and one just inside the three point line.

The guys played an amazing game after us. They started out five points behind and then after the third half they caught back up. There was only four minutes left in the game with a close score when the score board ran out of batteries, it was crazy! Everyone was pointing to the board and trying to get the refs attention. I think they were tired or something because it took them a while to figure out what was going on. Well, they figured everything out and we finished a very intense game with a stop watch. I love close games when they end in our favor. I had a lot of fun playing and then cheering.

My next game is on Monday the 1st of December. We play OK School for the Deaf. It is at 6:00p.m. at our home gym off of 4th and Santa Fe. You should come and cheer us on if you don't have plans for that evening.

"Don't pass up a chance to make a difference in someones life today." Morgan

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving week.

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