Saturday, December 13, 2008

Eighteen years.....

The years have flown by. I am sitting here wondering how I got to be eighteen so fast. I can remember past birthdays as if they were yesterday. I can also remember the hardest decisions that I had to make were, what I wanted to play each day. I am getting to the point where I have to decide what step I am going to take next. It is so difficult at times to know what you want, and how to get to where you want. I am to the point where I am just taking life one step at a time as it comes at me. I am learning that God is more interested in who I am rather than what I am going to do. Be praying that I will render my will, and follow the plan of God for my life.

I want to thank all the people that have impacted my life through the years. There are to many to count, but I want to mention a few:

Dad and Mom, you guys are the best parents in the world. I never would be who I am today without the influence and love you both have given to me. Thank you for making our home a fun and happy place to be, I love you both very much.

Whitney, whether you know it or not, you are the biggest influence that I have. I have looked up to you since I can remember. We have cried together, laughed together, fought together, but most of all we are best friends. Thank you for being there for me. I have had many friends come and go, but you are the one person I can count on to never leave me. You may not understand me all the time, but you never stop listening. I love you Whitney.

Taylor, Joseph and Rebekah, you guys are so much fun to be with. I have learned a lot just by being your older sister. Thank you all for looking up to me. I would not be half of who I am if I hadn't know you all. I love you guys very much.

Friends and Mentors, I am so grateful for the effort you all have made to be apart of my life. You all have made me a better person. Thank you for building me up and encouraging me to be the best that I can be. Thank you for the fun we have together. You all are the best friends I could ask for and I love you all.

Eighteen years and counting.....


Jon Werner said...

Ok, am I going crazy or is your birthday on the 19th?

Morgan Ruckel said...

Yes, my birthday is on the 19th. I posted in advance. You are not going crazy, well at least, not about that.

Jon Werner said...

Aw geeze... thanks. (Jerk) : )