Monday, August 10, 2009

Mission Week and...whatever

I don't know why I haven't felt like posting lately. I mean, I want to post but I don't feel like writing. There has been so much going on recently that I wouldn't know where to start. God is definitely working in my life a lot right now. I don't know if it is that fact that I am going through many changes right now or if i am just listening for Him more. With graduation, Dad losing his job, Mission Week Prep, Mission Week, Leadership roles, Relationships, Family and Future, I have had so much going on. I can't believe the summer is quickly coming to an end, and I am beginning to look to the future and what my plans are for the school semester. I know I wont be attending school this year, but does God want me to pursue college in the future and if so what would I go for? I know God has His plans for my life and future. I am at peace with where I am right now. I just don't want to wait for God to do something if I should be doing something else. So far God has not lead me to do anything else right now, but I want to be ready if He does. I know I am kinda rambling, but this is what goes on in my head sometimes.

Anyways, Mission Week was such an incredible experience! I have never seen God move so much in one week before. God showed His hand strong in everything we did. On Friday when we went to the Santa Fe south schools. Preparation was very hectic and many of the leaders were stressed. It didn't help that we arrived late and things were not going the way we thought they would. On the way to the school I could tell the stress level was high and I knew the evening would not be a success if we did not relax and let the Lord handle things. So, I led my team in a prayer and just gave our plans and preparation to the Lord. No matter how hard we had prepared we were not ready for this evening. God revealed to me that no matter how much we try to prepare and make plans for something, if we don't give God control, then it will not be blessed. God definitely blessed our efforts that evening, but it was nothing that we did. He moved in peoples hearts before we even got there. I was able to personally share the gospel with several children and build relationships for further opportunities. Around 12 people accepted the Lord as their personal Savior for the first time that night. I think that night was the highlight of the week for me and it was only the first day. There is so much more I could share about Mission Week and other such stuff, but I might just save that for another post, if I get around to it.

I would like to mention my 6 wonderful girls. I had such an amazing team during Mission Week. I enjoyed working and laughing with each one of you. Julia, Rachel, Hope, Jordan, Reagan and Katie. You girls were great! Thank you for listening and working hard. May God bless each one of you.

It is raining right now! Thank you Lord for the peacefulness of the rain! I love it!

Your random blogger,
Morgan Dawn

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