This is what happens when you take psychology class, you get excited and want to share all the new information you have recieved with others. The brain is a very interesting organ and God made it perfectly. So get out and use it!
Pumping Neurons: Exercising Your Brain
So, here’s the critical question: Are you a mental athlete—or a cerebral couch potato? Whatever your age, there seems to be a simple prescription for keeping your brain fit. Along with regular physical activity, engaging in any kind of intellectually challenging pursuits will keep those dendrites developing. Enrichment need not involve exotic or expensive pursuits. Novelty and complexity can be as close as your college campus or library. Here are just a few suggestions:
-Don’t hide in your room or apartment—seek out social interaction (except when it interferes with studying). Remember, the brain thrives on social stimulation.
-Learn to play a musical instrument. If you can’t afford music lessons, join a singing group or choir. If you already play a musical instrument, experiment with a new style or musical genre.
-Take a class in a field outside your college major or in a new area. Experiment by learning something in a field completely new to you.
-Read, and read widely. Buy magazines or check out library books in fields that are new to you.
-Try puzzles of all kinds—word, number, maze, or matching.
-Get regular aerobic exercise, even if it’s no more than a brisk daily walk. If possible, vary your routes and try to notice something new about your surroundings on each walk.
-Unplug your television set for two weeks—or longer.
Better yet, take a few minutes and generate your own list of mind-expanding opportunities!
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