Friday, September 30, 2011


I had a lot of time to think today..... which is why I feel like I should post something, but I also have so much on my mind I can't seem to formulate any thought, haha! 

I saw this quote, and immediately I could relate. We don't realize how weak we are until we stop being strong, which is what I did today with no work or school to occupy my mind.

With my current schedule I rarely find time to just BE. However, today I did. I still woke up early and had somewhere to go, but I didn't have to use my brain for what I was doing (cleaning houses), so I put my ear buds in and occupied it with thoughts. I thought about school. I thought about people and how it is so easy to judge a person’s character without clarifying facts. I thought about where my life is going and where my life has been. I thought about my insecurities. I found joy in thinking about my Savior. I thought about work and ministry. I thought about much more than I can mention in a single blog post.  

In the midst of all my thinking, God has been challenging me in the area of LOVE. Showing love to brothers and sisters in Christ is a very hard thing to do. Many times I will say or do something hurtful without even thinking about it. Or I may not do something I should have done. LOVE is so necessary in discipleship. It is the greatest commandment and such a simple command, LOVE.....

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