Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2009 In a Flash.....

In January, I took part in the YOUGROW Dare to Love. Realized that God is all the strength I need. Organized my closet. Celebrated my little sisters 15th birthday. Went bowling with my senior class. Look toward the new year with excitement!

In February, We had Senior night with SCA basketball. Went to a 50's birthday party.

In March, I found myself on my knees daily begging for God's grace for each new moment. We had Senior night with Liberty basketball. Went to Colorado with the Character First team. Snow Boarded for the first time and loved it!

In April, I was a part of a widows work project to raise money for the Character Focus Children's conferences. I began teaching STRIVE. God used this class to teach me more than He used it to teach the students. It quickly grew from 6 to 19 students. The Lord continues to use STRIVE to work in my life and the lives of the students. My dad and I sang at church for a special.

In May, Mom and I went to the SCA sports banquet and I won another Christian Character award. I volunteered most of my time with Character Focus Ministries. We hosted two local conferences as well as one in Arkansas. I led the snack and story breakout. We put up a new swimming pool. Played volleyball. Went to my cousins wedding.

In June, I graduated from high school. I was apart of one of the best Character Weeks ever!

In July, we went swimming a lot. Had lots of parties. Enjoyed the hot summer sun. Started the Truth Project with the leadership team. Dad lost his job.

In August, we had mission week, which changed my life forever.

In September, Mission day and YOUGROW began.

In October, Character Focus hosted a leadership retreat.

In November, we celebrated my big sister's 21st birthday. Whitney and I house and dog sat.

In December, My lovely mother celebrated another wonderful year of life. Went to see the lights in Chickasha. Went to the arts museum downtown. Had a golden globe themed birthday party. Watched as the Lord blessed my family with so much. Was blessed during the Christmas season.

I look forward to a new year and all the Lord has planned in 2010!!! Bring it on ;)

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